Malka Akhenblit received her graduate degree from the Columbia University School of Social Work. Implementing evidence-based therapy, she has supervised and developed outpatient care for children, adolescents and adults.
Inspired by Brené Brown’s work, Malka helps individuals pursue excellence rather than chase perfection–she can also integrate spirituality into treatment when requested. Malka has extensive experience with the mental health struggles and challenges uniquely facing women. She guides women of all ages through myriad life transitions–relationships/dating difficulties, marriage, pregnancy, parenting, divorce, loss and career. Throughout therapy and coaching, Malka helps individuals build a secure foundation of mental health.
To address the need for improved mental health services during the Covid pandemic, Malka developed, implemented, and supervised a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy program at Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. Helping clinicians bring evidence-based care to their communities is a passion of Malka’s and she can help you create your own successful CBT and DBT program.
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